we receive and transmit:
Here are some nice lil’ things I’ve seen around Bloomington lately. Sending love to Denver anarchist comrades who caught charges for writing on walls. Throw some money their way if you got it.
– an anarchist individual
Anarchist Counter-Information in Bloomington, Indiana
we receive and transmit:
Here are some nice lil’ things I’ve seen around Bloomington lately. Sending love to Denver anarchist comrades who caught charges for writing on walls. Throw some money their way if you got it.
– an anarchist individual
From Bloomington Anarchist Black Cross
JANUARY 10, 2016
Boxcar Books
408 E. 6th St
A documentary film on the anarchist revolution in Spain(1936-39), told through interviews with those who participated in the uprising, subsequent experimentations with freedom, and war against the forces of the State, Church, and Capital. The film explores the attempts at self-management leading up to the popular rebellion of 1936, the place of anti-authoritarian militias in defending against fascism, the betrayal of the revolution by Communists, and, ultimately, the vitality of the anarchist Idea.
Join us after the film for writing birthday cards to anarchist prisoner Marius Mason.
[All ages welcome. In Spanish with English subtitles.]
we receive and transmit:
On September 9 2016, prisoners took action in 46 prisons for a nationally-coordinated prisoner strike. Of those facilities, 31 experienced a lock-down, suspension, or full strike for at least 24 hours, affecting around 57,000 people. By not showing up for work, prisoners shut down the regular operations of prisons like Kinross in Michigan and Holman in Alabama. By rioting and through other combative tactics, they disrupted normalized routines and operations for even longer. It was the largest action ever taken by prisoners in the United States, and anarchists took part both inside and outside the prison walls.
The strike has primarily been framed as a battle against prison slavery, an institution codified into law “as a punishment for crime” in the 13th Amendment to the Constitution. Prisoners are often employed for pennies an hour, performing not only the various tasks that keep the prison running, but sometimes producing commodities such as Starbucks cups or even putting out wildfires in California. No doubt, people participated in the strike for a variety of reasons, but the element of prison slavery was the narrative that stuck.
In Bloomington and elsewhere, anarchists helped lay down the infrastructure of the strike for a year prior to September’s actions, longer if you consider informal prisoner support and solidarity projects anarchists have been regularly engaging in. We’ve created free zine distros and started correspondences with prisoners directly, organized conferences to facilitate our activities, spread the call for the strike to prisons nation-wide, put up flyers and posters about the strike throughout the cities where we live, and come to the aid of prisoners facing retaliatory repression. Continue reading “Prison Strike Retrospective”
January 7, 2017
Monroe County Public Library
Room 1C
How did Trump come to power, and what does that tell us about the era we are entering? What strategies will be effective in countering repressive government policies and the rise of grassroots nationalism?
Framing Trump’s victory in a global context will explore various approaches to self-organization and self-defense, drawing on the principles of mutual aid and direct action. They will also present updates about organizing for resistance to the inauguration in DC on January 20.
Breaking away from the jail demo tradition, we kicked off the new year with something fresh and exciting. At the stroke of midnight we dropped four banners and let five thousand fliers rain down from two downtown parking garages. United with friends, we reveled in the togetherness we will carry with us into the new year. 2016 was shitty and we expect that 2017 will be as well; however, we recognize the need to continue fighting. With these modest acts, we sharpened coordination practices that we will need in the coming months and years. Each of the banners reflects an element of our revolt we intend to strengthen and spread over the next year – combative memory for our fallen fighters, solidarity with our imprisoned comrades, determination to continue fighting no matter what is thrown at us, and struggle against immediate manifestations of power.
December 2016 marks 11 years since Avalon’s death and 30 since Kuwasi’s. We will not allow those who sacrificed everything for freedom to be forgotten. As we continue our struggles against Power, we keep alive the memory of Kuwasi, Avalon, Alexandros Grigoropoulos, Sebastián Oversluij, Lambros Foundas, Mauricio Morales, Feral Pines, and all of our other comrades who have passed on. Memory, like fire, burns our enemies and keeps us warm.
Whatever 2017 brings, we plan to face it head on.
Bloomington People’s History is an ongoing project by local individuals that highlights the legacy of repression and resistance in and around Bloomington, Indiana. All of the posters can be found on to our poster page.
We encourage anyone who is interested to create their own People’s History posters and email them to us. Let’s keep the history of revolt alive!
Black Student Sit-In
Samantha Dorsett
Animal & Earth Liberation Actions (PDF)
Bloomington is Poisoned
Plain Words is a website that seeks to spread news and analyses of interest to anarchists, radicals, and others in struggle in and around Bloomington, Indiana.
All texts and images posted on Plain Words are submitted to us by others unless otherwise noted. We are not an organization or specific group, but simply a vehicle for spreading the words and actions of others.
If you have news, images, reportbacks of actions and demonstrations, communiques, event information, publications, analyses of local trends and situations, updates on projects and campaigns, or anything else coming from an anti-authoritarian, anti-capitalist perspective, please email us at plainwordsbloomington [[at]] riseup [[dot]] net. Click here for some tips on digital security and anonymity.
Some general topics of interest to us: anti-racism, women’s liberation, anti-police, graffiti, anti-fascism, queer and trans liberation, ecological struggles, gentrification, prisoner solidarity, reproductive freedom, radical art and music, workers’ struggles, youth liberation, anti-capitalism, autonomous spaces, no borders, anti-technology, animal liberation, squatting, and other liberatory resistance movements.
You can also follow Plain Words on Facebook if you’re into that sort of thing.